Love can be complicated.
Excellent movie.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
Finally a good action blockbuster.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
It looks nice. If only it would have a story to tell.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
I gotta escape my own couriosity for new good action movies. They’re like unicorns these days.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
So there is this boy called Ender. And right from the start Indy tells us he’ll be a great leader. And Indy doesn’t stop telling us that. So the kid kind of just becomes a leader.
This apparently counts as a story nowadays in Hollywood.
They don’t show, they tell and in the process don’t convince.
Horribly lifeless movie and tremendiously bad storytelling.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
Fan service.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
This review reportedly contains spoilers.
Monumental and generic at the same time.
Also, look, if the death of one of your characters is meant to be emotional for your protagonist don’t follow it up with humour two scenes later. Decide what you want to do of the two or at least mesh ’em in a way that doesn’t feel off and inconsequential.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
Not too bad. But easily forgettable.
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
If memory serves me right this movie was.. was.. ..was
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss
International Zombieswarm, Inc.!
via Letterboxd – marcelweiss